Holiday is the drive for hard work...kaka...and now is the time to celebrate we hang on another year :D Wish everyone has a merry merry x'mas and happy worthy 2006!!!

chinese old poem. about missing the love one in the midst of a lonesome nite, believing with love we're connected - regardless how far we're apart...
*about this illo: ink + watercolor + collage background created by photoshop
ink outline + photoshop
that's my interpretation of this week's theme. i like my concept :P, just certainly my photoshop skill is still yet to be improved :>
when talkingout float, i think of the lotus...i've tried to translate this line of chinese poem,which perfectly paint the beauty of a lotus pond, but failed...i don't wanna my awful translation spoil everything, so i decided to leave it just that...
this week illo Friday's topic is "wisdom". is very difficult to actually define what is "wisdom", yet for me, what Cicero said might be the most appropriately stated: "The Function of Wisdom is to discriminate between good and evil". whilst i believe surviving in today's world, able to see the good from the evils (& vice versa) and then shape one's own mind to well balance both in everyday life is the true wisdom.
This is piece is my first entry created mostly by computer. I'm just learning to use photoshop, thus still have many area need to be improved! so, hope can hear some comment from everyone then i can improve :D
Oops, this drawing is base on my pencil sketch...i actually love my original sketch more so i've scanned and post it here anyway. when i have time i'd finish this drawing...with my own hand (keke, which is what i still found more comfortable to play with...keke ^_^)