July 30, 2005

illustration Friday : "Aging"

originally I wish I have come up with sth more seriously drawn, cos' after all, it is my very first entry for illustration friday,but having give it the second thought, i still found this simple piece most able to catch my reflection on this week subject: "Aging".
actually this drawing immediately float into my mind when i saw the subject "aging". Aging walks parallel with history of mankind; everyone faces aging since our birth, no escape; thus for me. aging is one of the many faces of life, so shouldn't be afraid of, shouldn't feel bad bout it, instead we should celebrate and be grateful with all the fruits that it bore - wisdom, memories, laughter....and you name it :)
yah, we can't avoid aging, but we can choose how to face it, rite?


July 29, 2005

Study of Color I: Impression

To outer senses there is peace,
A dreamy peace on either hand,
Deep silence in the shadowy land,
deep silence where the shadows cease.

Save for a cry that echoes shrill
From some lone bird disconsolate;
A corncrake calling to its mate;
The answer from the misty hill.

And suddenly the moon withdraws
Her sickle from hte lightening skies,
And to her sombre cavern flies,
Wrapped in a veil of yellow gauze.
~ from "impression II - La Fuit de la lune", Oscar Wilde