October 24, 2005

illustration friday: "Remote"

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Todd DeWolf said...

Beautiful lanscape and waterfall? Very nice.

Catnapping said...

in this, i see a solitary figure in the center in the light...flanked by two stone-faced, unforgiving creatures.

i don't know if that's what you meant this to be, but truly I see faces in the two stones...and a little person standing in the cravass.

almost as though he's in a different dimension...remote.

JacqueLynn said...

Oh wow, I looked at the large picture to get a better look at it. WOW. To be able to use and play light and dark against each other like that, and throw in enough color for interest, but not to overwhelm the black and greys, wow. You did this really well, and it's a really hard thing to work with dark and lights so skillfully.

Anonymous said...

I saw both the waterfall between the mountains as well as the lone figure between stern monster rocks...
But ultimately, it's a very beautiful piece of Chinese painting! :)

Chuang Shyue Chou said...

A traditional Chinese landscape painting? Well done!

Q said...

thanks everyone and glad you like my work! Yes, it is a chinese landscape painting...got some really cost effective and good quality chinese drawing paper and brushes from Shanghai trip, can't wait to try it out :D

The Unknown said...

Great pic. I t seems very Zen.