January 25, 2006

illustration friday: "Cats"

kaka...interesting! next week is the Chinese New Year and this year is dedicate for Dogs!! To welcome this CNY, illo friday invites us to draw CATS!!! How interesting...okee then, as a Cats person :P, lemme draw this one for this arrogant yet awesome creature !! yaya, i intentionally make it lonely...cos strangely, we chinese ppl dedicate each year for one animal, but cats strangely are not being listed on the 12 "animal gods", so i believe it is the gesture they'd keep to welcome the year of their "enemy"...yeah, envy at heart but try to keep their cool, aloof and "i don't really care" attitude :D

anyway, wish everyone has a marvelous Year of Dogs :D Posted by Picasa


TheTart said...

Be sweet....nice kitty.

Great watercolor!

The Tart

steve said...

This is such a beautiful watercolor depiction of a cat. I really like your "sea" one as well.

Anonymous said...

Lovely water colour! A year of dogs would be much better than a year of cats anyway :)

n. said...

hen hao! shi piao liang.

Uta Ritke said...

Awesome art work. I like it a lot!

Anonymous said...

Nice pic, Queenie! Thanks for leaving a note on my blog! :)

Saul Iscariot said...

That is a great picture, I'm not really a Cat person, but I love that picture. And yeah to the year of the Dogs.

Saul Iscariot said...

I've actually set this as my desk top background, that is how much I like it, for the first time in ages there is no Star Wars background.